What day is it today? Monday, thats right, it's time for another installment of The Reals, Movie Monday.
This week we have a short film, Asshole. No not you, thats the title of the film, "Asshole". For anyone that is a abit reader of Vice Magazine, Gavin McInnes is a familier name. He was one of the co-founders and resident editors and all around "bad boy" of the magazine. After close to 10 years with the magazine, in late 2007. Gavin annouced through a post on his blog, stating that he would no longer be a creative mind behind the magazine, nor associte his name with the "Vice" brand or his famed "Do's & Dont's. He later commented that it was due to "creative diffrences among editors and writers of Vice. It didnt mean he would be lost in the world. No, it ment he would open up his own production companies and set on project independently.
Since hes been doing stand up comedy. With "live" Do's and Dont's. He also worked on a small documentary in partership with Netflix. (Written by: Jesus Flores)
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