Thursday, March 11, 2010

Manchester Orchestra on Jimmy Kimel Live

Manchester Orchestra have been one of my all time "indie", not so indie now, bands. I dont know if its somthing in Georgia, but theres ben a recent uprise of Garage, Screamo and other verious Rock & Roll bands coming out of there. After touring continously for a whole year in 2009, Manchester took a slight break and have now began another tour in the U.S. Chicago also being one of the dates on that tour.

What I like most about Manchester is that, there song structurs are not repetative. There songs can change pase, from melodic country like cords, to heavy hitting guitar riffs. I will keep the reader posted on album news, hopefully they will be releasing one this year. Also future events.

Manchester played live on Jimmy Kimmel. Check out the performance, definetly a must see LIVE band.