Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Even/Odds Art Gallery @ Space 900

Once again, there at it again. My boy Flash and all the Old Schoolers are bringing Chicago, the best from the golden area, like theyre bringing 88 back! For every young buck out there, this is another show you must attend! Dont miss out on art work by KLTA, Flash and many more..

Space 900 Gallery
1040 W. Huron/Lower Level
April 16th 6-10 pm

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

MGMT- Flash Delirium Music Video

Last night, MGMT posted there newest video for there single "Flash Delirium". Nedless to say, this follow up album has nothing to do with there debut album "Oracular Spectacular". This album in my opinion is more intreverted, you wont find anything to "Kids" or "Time to Pretend". I myself am glad there coming back to there more pshycodelic melodic sound. This album might take few times for your ears to get use to, but once youve conprehended what they were shooting for, you'll understand...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ed Zipco Shoots for Vice

Ed Zipco has probably been my all time favorite photographer showcased by Vice. His work is not typical fashion cliche photos. He takes the most obscure and creative photos, I have seen in a good while.

He also, did the "Flash" shoot, last year, which I was lucky enough to grab a print copy of the issue. Showcasing, girls literaly flashing there boobs in the most randomest and public spots around NYC...

Truely genius..

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pac Div Ft. Cool Kids- Shut up

New Thursdays @ Wicker Well

Starting April 1st, we're bring you a new Thursday night @ Wicker Well/1637 W North Ave near Ashland. We are playing that REAL Hip-Hop music and that original Chicago House music. On them 1's & 2's: Dj Scend (CRB Radio) & Shon Roka (Brickheadz). Chicago, I can only promise you that you will have a good time! Let's get it in!!!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

RH TV: Closed Sessions Curt@!n, Hollywood Holt & Kids in The Hall

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Black Lips @ Logan Square Auditorium


Empty Bottle Presents

Black Lips / Box Elders / Mickey / The Get Drunk DJs Thursday, Apr 01, 2010 8:30 PM CDT (8:00 PM Doors)

Logan Square Auditorium, Chicago, IL

MGMT "Congratulations" Internet Leak....

Once again, the gnutella netork has single hadedly disrupted the music industry. MGMT's new album was probably the most awaited debut of early 2010. Now, since the get go, it was annouce the album would drop earlier in Europe than in the U.S, that showed to be a bad idea. The instant the album was dropped in Europe, it was all over the Gnutella network.

Now I am personally, a music supporter, no matter that it is, Hip-Hop, Indie, Metal or Garage, whatever it might be If im into your band enough, I will more than likely still buy your album.

So, to see how down to earth the guy in MGMT are, and can care less about fucking records sale...theyve made the album available for FREE!

Its on there official web site!

Also, just announced a few hours ago. MGMT will be playing @ The Riviera on June 18th! Tickets are available Pre-Sale only to MGMT Fan Club members, you can be part be joining. Just fill the quick registration form. Also, I predict this will be the only time to catch MGMT for a good while, since they will more than likely start a European tour after.....

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spike Jonze's "I'm Here"

Since the release of "Where the Wild Things Are", Spike has been a busy man, with his latest porject he set out to make a short film. Ive been watching this on the Absolute website for a while, and it wasnt available through Youtube...but, now...

*Click the link for Cont. & Pt.2 after this one is done!*

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Empire of the Sun-Walking on A Dream

Photos Ive been taking...


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring/Summer Fashion 2010

(Mighty Fine x Alice in Wonderland)

(Basquiat x Reebok Pump)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Manchester Orchestra on Jimmy Kimel Live

Manchester Orchestra have been one of my all time "indie", not so indie now, bands. I dont know if its somthing in Georgia, but theres ben a recent uprise of Garage, Screamo and other verious Rock & Roll bands coming out of there. After touring continously for a whole year in 2009, Manchester took a slight break and have now began another tour in the U.S. Chicago also being one of the dates on that tour.

What I like most about Manchester is that, there song structurs are not repetative. There songs can change pase, from melodic country like cords, to heavy hitting guitar riffs. I will keep the reader posted on album news, hopefully they will be releasing one this year. Also future events.

Manchester played live on Jimmy Kimmel. Check out the performance, definetly a must see LIVE band.

CRB Radio: Dj Scend "Hump Day" Mixshow

Once again, the homie Scend whipped up another mixshow for the people last night. With a little added bonus. Since, this week was the 13th year anniversary of the untimely death of Chris Wallace, know as Notorious BIG. Dj Scend paid dues to the man, by dedicating his last portion of the show to Biggie, kickin a whole hour of Big's classics.

If you didnt catch lastnights mix, here it is for your enjoyment!

*You can also follow the sidelink to there Official website and Download there aswell.*

Dj Scend spins LIVE. World Wide.
Every Wednesdays on

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jeremy Scott x Mickey Mouse x Adidas

"Considering how protected and sought after the majority of Disney’s iconic imagery can be, it’s somewhat surprising that Jeremy Scott’s most recent creation for his work on the adidas Originals brand features the one and only Mickey Mouse, worked into Scott’s signature big tongue stylings. Using the well-known El Dorado basketball shoe as a template and lacing it out in the famous red and gold of Mickey’s overalls, he has constructed quite the monster. This could be a polarizing shoe for some sneakerheads, but realistically, it will probably fetch a pretty penny for anyone who can get their hands on it."


Last night at about 9 p.m. I was watching the local chicago news, when they reported of a young man being pulled out of the chicago river after fleeing from cops. Sadly enough it was a person real close to the graff community. I can remember being 13 years old, and seeing Sole's scribes on the Blueline, and even on the expressways.

My heart goes out to the UAC and FTR crews for there loss. Unfortunatly, I never got to meet the brother, but I met him thru his work. I really admired his scribes and his pieces. Its like they say, immitation is a form of flattery.

There will be an Art Exhibit in the near future to aid with funeral spendings. I will post info in events as soon as I know of...


Random photo

(Click to enlarge)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Movie Monday: Kung Fu Wang

Master John S Wang, is known for his skills in martials arts. Also, for being a student of Chang, a legend in chinese wrestling. This short film explains a certain method of martial arts. The catch is that isnt Johns nitch, he actually has a greater contribution to society...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can (1968)

Its always great when someone recommends music to you. It tells you alot of what that person might be into. Sy, an old school graff writer, I communicate with thru the Chicago Graff Forums, said, "Hey, Check this song out! Vitamin C by This band names Can" Can? yeah, Can.

Upon listen to Vitamin C, It had such a great break beat, but yeat a hint of funk and garage rock. I assumed what I was hearing was prduct of the 90's. I was completly wrong. These guys prime was in circa 1971! Wow, to hear the music these guys
were making.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hola Mexico Film Festival 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

CRB Radio: "Hump Day" Mixshow W/ Dj Scend

I just got done listening to the homies Dj Scend's mix on CRB's Hump Day mix. Since, the sad news of Guru's recent hospitalization, Scend has put together a nice tribute for Guru. This week Scend introduced his new co-host IQ. The show runs weekly on Wednesday, and I look forward to listening every weeks mix from 6pm-8pm.

(Editors Update: If you couldnt listen to the show lastnight, Dj Scend tossed up a link for the FREE Download of the G.U.R.U Tribute Mix, just click on the link below and "Save")

To listen go to:
I suggest if you havnt heard, you start now! Seriously, support real local talent!

Also, Friday, March 5th @ The Butterfly Social Club
Dj Eves, Dj Scend and Dj Rude One
No Cover. No Dress Code

VBS: Ruling Britania "Swansea Love Story"

Vice magazine's short documentarys never seem to let me down. Ruling Britania, A Swansea Love story, is a "Day in the life" type film. In which, a film crew followes a young confused couple around Swansea, a small town in Wales.

In recent years, Britain has shows a raise of young kids getting hooked on heroin. In Swansea, nearly 55% of teens are doing heroin and or other high chemical based drugs.

Ruling Britania will show the the harsh reality of what is going on overseas with the drug and teen pregnancy problems. It shows that everyone round the world has the similar problems wether it be in an inner city, or the smallest of towns.

The whole 8 part series is available on VBS!
Ruling Britania Pt.1

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Molotov @ Congress Theater April 17th

I can remember the first time my little virgin ears heard the sound of Mexican Hip-Hop Rock group Molotov. Since there origins in Mexico's capital, Molotov have always had a edgy reputation. There first recording like "Puto" recieved alot of attention from the Mexican Assc. of Censorship, when it misinterpreted as a slur againt the homosexual community. Which of course it wasnt intended to, it was a figure of speech for a "loser, no back bone having person"

They will be playing a show here in Chicago
Saturday April 17th, 2010
@ The Congress Theater
All Ages
Doors open @ 8 pm

Special Guest:
The DevilLocks (Misfits Worship Band)
Dj REsistol 5000

Chicago Zine Fest 2010

"The Chicago Zine Fest is an independent event creating an outlet for small press and independent publishers to showcase their work. Our goal is to make DIY zine-making accessible, highlight the talents of self-published artists, and give independent artists a chance to interact, and swap skills through tabling, lectures, and workshops."

Chicago Zine Fest has officially secured spaces for the events we have been planning. Here's how the event will play out:

Friday, March 12th--zine reading @ Quimby's and art show followed by Gadabout Film Fest screening @ Johalla Projects

Saturday, March 13th--day of exhibiting and workshops @ Columbia College's Conaway Center

You can fine the recent update going on @